The gigantic water resource in the Booni zoom mountain had been the only way to provide fresh and clean water to the Booni village, burst out twice in ten days. First time when it came , was the late afternoon of July 28.The flood had damaged the village in both side of the stream. Since than life already had been difficult for Booni people. The second time the glacier burst out in nearly the mid night of 8th of August 2010 when every body was asleep in the village. A horrific and terrifying sound wake up all.It was the dreadful sound of the out burst of the glacier.
The flash flood hit the village with full strength and it took few minutes to destroy the water supply lines, electric lines and swept away two main bridges apart of other small bridges, which were connecting both sides of the village. A big bridge, over mastuj river, which was recently build for the college students is destroyed. The flood damaged roads, houses, orchards and agricultural fields. The maiz,Rice and different crops are left dried due to the non availability of irrigation water. The green orchards and overhanging gardens of different fruits are made deserts. The flood stricken people are grieved and disappointed and suffer in trauma. Now is the season of apples and People of Booni used to get a good amount of money by sailing their apple fruits and dried apricots. Usually women’s duty is to collect the apples and apricots ,dry them and keep for sale or to be eaten in the winter. It is a good diet and way to keep the children happy and healthy, now the apples gardens were buried under the flood and the families left for the Gahly ground to take shelter in the hot sun of August, where except tents nothing has been provided to them. Thousands of Booni inhabitants have got shelter in the Gahly ground, as it has become a complete thread for the whole Booni village. The flood is continue since than, and if once it breaks the weak points, will destroy the whole village, that would be the real disaster. The wheat crops were ready to be harvested; the heavy rain has delayed the process, and now these are damaged as well. The flood had started earlier and already destroyed the canals, in the result rice crops and vegetables farms are dried. No vegetable is available in any one’s farm. Due to the break down of roads between chitral and Booni there is a shortage of every thing in the Booni Bazar,and even if it is available in the bazaar, people can not buy them as they have no money. life has become quite difficult for Booni people. . Due to the break down of roads the apples and dried apricots can not be sell and the apple fruits in Booni are getting spoild,as they can not be kept for longer. Majority of people have left for other places due to the emergency situation prevailed in Booni.from children to adults in Booni can be seen bringing water from miles away.
Many children reading in the Stars’land Grammar School can not come to school, as they have lost their houses, and others can not cross the stream. All the schools Including Stars’ land Grammar school in the Booni village are closed for unknown time due to the over hanging thread of a sudden burst of glaciers in the Booni Gol.Parents already delay payment of tuition fee. Now it has become more difficult for them to pay the tuition fee for their children as they have faced an irrecoverable damage. The negative effect has been observed in the Stars’land School. Not a single rupee has been received in the school in this month. Due to the difficulties facing by the Booni People the Stars’land Grammar School authority has considered six months relief for its students and charge no any tuition fee which is equivalent to three hundred thousand rupees for six months. This would be possible if we could get support from philanthropists around the world. For further information please contact us. We can provide videos and images of the realities. To help us please visit our School website>www.jam.org.pk
Muzafar Hussain
Principal Stars’land Grammar School Booni